Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Well if the Volcano Wants Us to Stay in Ireland, By Golly, We'll Stay in Ireland!

Yes, this is a little out of date, but bear with me. We're returning to that fateful Saturday in April, the 17th, when Eyjafjallajokull determined that my parents would be joining me on this lovely island for a tad bit longer. But hark! We made the most of it!! After another day in Dublin we voyaged to the Giant's Causeway in the North. It was only fitting to go visit an ancient volcanic site when that very phenomenon was detaining us. Well, okay, it's only silly people like scientists who believe that lava was the culprit for the formation of these wild rock features. Ask any local and they'll tell you the real story about how the Causeway came to be. It goes a little something like this:

"An Irish giant, Finn MacCool, built the Causeway to reach Scotland to fight the Scottish giant, Benandonner. As Finn crossed the Irish Sea, he saw that his Scottish adversary was much bigger than him so he fled back to Ireland. Benandonner gave chase. Finn's wife, Oonagh, saw Benandonner approaching in the distance. She hid Finn by dressing him as a baby and putting him in bed. When Benandonner arrived, Oonagh told him that Finn was hunting and invited him to wait. When she showed Benandonner the 'baby', the Scottish giant got quite a shock; if the baby was that big, what size must his father be! Benandonner took fright and fled back to Scotland, ripping up the Causeway as he went so Finn could not follow."

This tidbit is of course proven accurate by the fact that the 'other end' of the Causeway is located at Fingal's Cave on the Scottish island of Staffa.

So, without further ado, the Giant's Causeway!

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