Wednesday, December 30, 2009

T Minus 3 Days, 15 Hours, 8 Minutes, and 19 Seconds

Seeing as I am running short on my time left in the states (specifically Texas - which is, by all accounts, worth being specific about) I figure it is appropriate to get this blog going. Right now I can either start this, pack, or sleep. With my near and dear cohorts in mind I shall sacrifice sleep and begin an account of, well, only my preparations for going abroad, but still a captivating topic for all, I'm certain. Also, I just returned from hanging out with Andrew who jovially played Flogging Molly and Dropkick Murphys music to get me into a more Irish frame of mind. Thank you, Andrew. I have recently discovered that as of a few days ago I can officially say, "I'm leaving for Ireland on Saturday." I think it has rather an appealing ring to it.

Alas, for lack of other inspiration at this hour I will borrow and adapt some of Lauren's questions, more or less what have been posed to me recently.

Who else is going on this program?
I applied to the National University of Ireland, Galway (NUI, Galway) through IFSA-Butler, so as best I can tell it will be a decent number of students from Butler, plus a good smattering of folks from other various universities. Last semester I believe there were thirty to forty students living in Galway through Butler's program. Only one other guy from Wake Forest will be in Ireland, but he's going to be in Dublin, and I don't know him, so that fact is more or less irrelevant.

What are you studying?
I actually applied to NUI, Galway because it was one of the few universities in Ireland that allows you to (easily) take courses in multiple schools (departments). Unlike the college system in the states, you typically take classes in only one department and it is a tad more difficult to take courses in multiple schools at the same time. Thus it makes my life much easier that I can take courses in the College of Sciences (biology) and in the College of Arts, Social Sciences, and Celtic Studies (literature). I'll find out the specific courses when I arrive.

Why are you going abroad?
The Truth

Why Ireland?
I was actually rather torn between Ireland and New Zealand, but frankly I figured that I am more likely to live, or at least spend a decent amount of time, in New Zealand at some point in my life. So why Ireland as opposed to somewhere in England? I want an experience that is a little more unique; I have the impression - accurate or not - that it would be a bit more difficult than, say, London, to really get to experience the Irish culture just touring through. In addition I did quite a lot of research... last autumn... and Ireland just appealed to me.
But really, I'm relatively certain that one can not go wrong in studying abroad; I'm pretty confident that I will enjoy this semester.

Where is Galway?
Galway is on the Western Coast of the Republic of Ireland, on the northern side of the Galway Bay. It's approximately three hours to Dublin via train (the Irish Rail). Oughtta be convenient enough for anyone coming to visit...

When does the program begin/end?
I fly out of Newark at 7:00pm on Saturday, January 2nd. (I have about a six hour layover before said flight if anyone has any suggestions?) We land in Dublin bright and early the next morning where we'll go through a few days of orientation before heading to Galway. I fly home in late May.


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