Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Scotland, Spain, and Morocco, Oh My!

No fun stories this time, sorry. But I have a fun fact: classes ended today. As in, I'm done for the semester. Well, okay, that's not true. I still have to finish two essays that are due next week and have two finals in May. But tomorrow is the start of a two week Easter Break (we didn't have a spring break), then we have a week to study before exams start, and instead of them all being crammed into one week, they'll be spread out over a month. Briefly, here are my plans for April:

4th-7th: Edinburgh, Scotland with Meg, Allen, and Brad
9th-17th: Mom and Dad are coming to visit; we'll be driving around Ireland
17th-22nd: Stay with Alex in Madrid, Spain (fingers crossed we'll get up to Segovia Castle!)
22nd-...sometime before the 30th: Stay with Kristen in Rabat, Morocco. Maybe go hiking?

Then I'll come back and have roughly a week before each final to study. Then home. I'm not staying here during the summer. At all. I'm amused that that rumor is still going but perhaps I can put it to rest (again); unless you hear directly from me that I am staying until June (or whenever), don't believe it. And you won't hear that from me. So there you have it: Brooke is officially going home in May. And, for those of you trying to rendezvous with me this summer, I'll be in Texas for about a week, back at Wake for summer school in June, taking a bio course in Vienna through July, then back in Texas (and Colorado for a tad) in August. Sound good? Yeah, I think so, too.

Oh, it also snowed again today.

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